Do you realise that you can only ever get there from here?
Or are you like me continually wishing you could get a do-over? An opportunity to do (or not do) that thing? Waiting for that magical moment that would somehow make everything perfect
I have been stuck in the space of wanting that to happen for years but today for the very first time (I think) I am willing to concede that you can never undo what has happened, you can never go back and make it all right and you just have to accept that. But before you go running for the knife to slash your wrists here is something you can do: Start from right where you are and move forward. Chalk it all up to experience and learn to live with the reality that you can only ever get to where you want to be from where you are now.
It’s not rocket science
Yes, it really is that simple. Hold your hand up to your mistakes and instead of trying to weave your way back to the beginning, start a whole new chapter (maybe a whole new book) and gift yourself the magic of a new start. There will, of course, be things you cannot restore or resolve but that’s good to know because when you let them go you make room for the many things you can inject new life into.
Give it a go
What have you got to lose? Worst case scenario you end up right where you are now and the best case scenario opens you up to the realm of infinite possibilities.
Go for it!