“The most fruitful and natural exercise for our minds is, in my opinion, conversation.” ― Michel de Montaigne, The Essays: A Selection
Following my stroke in 2014, I was declared unfit to drive and without a car, I was forced to use public transport and I soon discovered that I didn’t like the public part, so I decided I needed to claim the power back.
As a driver, each car journey I took with a passenger meant I was journeying with a friend and as all friends were once strangers I challenged myself to have conversations with anyone that I sat or stood next to who was willing to participate. I met some interesting people and realised that people love to talk about themselves and their lives and there is always a lesson neatly tucked away for all of us.
Here are some of the pictures I took along the way.

As I was thinking back to those nine long months it reminded me about the importance of conversations and the fact that everyone has a story to tell that could encourage and inspire others so as I walk through the corridors of 2020 I am challenging myself to 100 conversations.