Detox is a word that hasn’t been part of my regular vocabulary, so the decision to embrace this feels a little drastic but it has to be done. Having been sick three times in the first three months of the year it’s time to take my health into my own hands and clear the ‘crap’ from my system so it has a fighting chance to rise above the various conditions and ailments trying to derail me.
But where does a detox start?
I wanted to do things properly so I thought the best way to start was to define it to make sure I was crystal clear about the journey I had decided to embark on.
“A detox is a process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances”
How long do you detox for?
My next step was to decide on the duration, I discovered a friend was doing a 60-day juice detox and shared her plan with me but the number 60 seemed way too big for me so I decided that 30 was a comfortable number and then I came across Jason Vale’s 28-day plan so that settled it 30 days (I’ve added an extra two for good measure) starting 2nd April (1st April is easter and I might need chocolate)
Detox benefits
There seem to be two schools of thought about the benefits of a detox. Some say it does nothing at all and we should leave the detox to our kidneys and liver because that’s what they are there for. They might have a point but as mine have had to work extremely hard, it can’t hurt to give them a helping hand!
On the other hand, you can find countless articles about all the wonderful benefits of restricting your body’s intake. I particularly like weight loss, More Energy and Improved Thinking so I’m claiming those.
And I already have some great examples of a detox making a difference. A fellow lupus warrior has been going to Thailand at the end of every year to do a detox and it has made a remarkable difference in her day to day living. For years she has been urging me to do the same but I guess I just wasn’t ready!
And my friend who is currently on the 60-day juice plan has really inspired me, she looks more radiant, has lost weight and says she feels more energised.
Whilst that is not quite an in-depth study, it’s good enough for me to give it a go!
My detox plan
As an intrepid explorer on life’s great adventure. I decided that I needed to make this both fun and memorable so I have decided on the following plan of action:
Journal everything – share the highs, lows and triumphs along the way. I will use Eat, Pray, Love as my inspiration. I think I’m going to do videos.
Colonic Hydrotherapy – I must say the thought of someone sticking a tube up my bottom does not fill me with excitement but if I’m going to take this seriously I need to start by getting rid of the big stuff or that’s my theory. I’ll let you know how I get on.
Spiritual retreat – I need to get my mind right for the journey. I have found a 5 hour retreat app from Pastor Rick Warren, the author of the Purpose Driven Life (Maybe I’ll revisit that for the 30 days)
Daily detox plan – Purposefully map out each day to make room for journalingng, prayerful meditation and of course juicing.
Well I think I’m ready, time to get detox prepping!